Sunday, January 29, 2012

What can i do to if the only type of dancing your friends do is dirty?

Ok, so im having a party thtz mainly about dancing. Everybody at my school dances like there at a go-go shakin there but and stuff and the boys get behind them. my mom probably wont like tht and they wnt like my party because there expecting gogo clappin and. whht should i do?What can i do to if the only type of dancing your friends do is dirty?
Tell them that your mom would not like it and so you would get in trouble if they danced like that. Also play music that they cannot dance dirty to. If all else fails play gospel music, most people keep their distance when you play it.What can i do to if the only type of dancing your friends do is dirty?
Tell them to actually dance; "This is a dance party, idiot. Not a dry-hump fest."

You want a party to be fun and normal, then tell your guests you want it that way.

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