Friday, February 10, 2012

I'm auditioning to be a stripper- any advice?

Tomorrow night I have an audition at the Spearmint Rhino to be an exotic dancer. I have never stripped before, although I've been gogo dancing for over a year. I'm a little nervous. Are there any strippers out there who can give me a bit of advice for my audition? Or any strip club goers who can give me some advice? 10 points best answer. Thanks in advance.|||I am a former stripper and used to do this for four years. I can give you some advice from what I've learned and experienced.

1. House Fees - Get there early, otherwise you may have to pay the club out of the money you earn. They shouldn't charge you House Fees on your first night, but apparently some clubs do. Be prepared, and just get there early. The earlier you get to the club, typically the less you have to pay. Basically house fees are paid to the club for the use of the stage. Personally, I think it's a crappy practice. They should be paying you to work there, not the other way around. It's one of the things that always used to annoy me about stripping, especially on nights where I didn't even make enough money to pay the house fee. (Which can be upwards of $60 as the night wears on. The later you pay it, the more it is.)

2. Lap Dances - You will not make a lot of money while you are dancing on the stage. So don't be disappointed. Be prepared for only a few guys to come up and tip you. Your main money will be made by giving table dances, or lap dances, to customers off the stage. Strippers earn $20 per table dance typically. Do five table dances, and you've made $100. Of course, some customers might pay you more, or even 'buy' you off the stage by ordering a bottle of champagne so you can dance for them exclusively for a time. (These guys were the ones who gave me the most money.)

3. Speaking of champagne... the club wants you to sell champagne. If you can get a customer to buy a bottle of champagne, a lot of clubs will give the waitress a cut from the sale. (Commission.) A lot of times, the waitress might share some of this commission with you. Oh, and there is no sex in the champagne room.

4. Slow Nights - Sometimes, clubs have slow nights. This is part of the business. Don't let it get you down. It can be very discouraging after a while, however, especially if you're not making enough money to make ends meet. Try not to let it get you down. Go to work anyway. A lot of girls want to skip the slow nights, but many clubs will waive house fees on these nights and you'll get the opportunities other girls are missing by skipping the slow nights.

5. Integrity - Don't be lewd, and keep your integrity. You will run into a lot of other dancers who will hump their customers during a lap dance, and some will even go so far as to sneakily do the nasty with them. Some customers do proposition the dancers, so be very careful that you don't fall into the trap of prostitution. It -does- happen in these clubs. I've seen it, and I know what I'm talking about. You'll see a lot of dancers who seem to make an inordinate amount of money. This is because they are screwing the customers on the side. Don't do it. Keep your integrity.

6. Dancing on Stage - Be creative, be fun, be sexy, and smile at the customers. Don't be afraid to make eye contact. You will get more tips if you look customers in the eye. They don't like strippers who appear aloof and cold on the stage. Be warm and friendly. That is the best advice I can give you. If you aren't comfortable dancing in the shoes, if you aren't sure what you are doing, it doesn't matter. All the club managers are looking for in an audition is: a. Does she have the guts to take her clothes off and b. do the customers like her? That's it.

7. T-backs - Be sure you wear the right kind of T-backs (thong). It must have a lining. Don't go in there wearing regular thong panties. If you don't have the right kind, the club will likely sell you some. Most clubs have a small store, or the house mom will sell you things.

8. The House Mom - Every strip club has its House Mom. The House Mom is there to help you. Don't be afraid to make friends with her. She does, however, expect tips. These tips go to helping keep her supplied. She is the one who will supply you with all those little necessities you might need, like hairspray, nail polish remover, Q-tips, tampons, tweezers, cotton balls, body spray, deodorant - you name it, if you forget it, she'll likely have it on hand. She's just like Mama in the musical Chicago. You be good to Mama, and she'll be good to you.

9. The DJ - You can request specific music from the DJ to dance to. You do not have to dance to whatever he is playing. But, be sure to tip him too. Usually the DJ expects to be tipped at least $10 from each dancer. At one of the clubs I worked at, the DJ even had a list of all the dancers and he would mark which ones paid him and which ones didn't. Be nice to the DJ. Trust me. They can be real jerks if you don't tip them.

10. The Managers - The "Managers" are also the club's bouncers. If a customer gives you trouble, don't be afraid to talk to the manager. It's very rare that anything would happen, but if something does happen, the managers are there to protect you.

11. Drinking - Try not to get drunk. The club will encourage you to sell drinks to the customers. That's part of your job as an entertainer. The customers will want to buy drinks for you too. Try not to over-do it.

12. Body Oil - DO NOT put body oil on your body. It gets on the stage, and makes it slippery, and therefore dangerous. Other dancers will not appreciate you for it.

13. Garter and Rubber Band - Keep your money close. Many strippers wear a garter and keep the money tucked into it with a rubber band. This is what I used to do. I'd recommend this method as opposed to keeping your money in a small purse (which you can lose or it can get stolen).|||I'll give you advice, DON'T DO IT.

What do you have to "earn" other than crappy money for exposing your body to men who don't respect you? Nothing.

If you want to look sexy or feel appreciated, you're following the wrong 'career' path. Do modeling, not stripping. Look at Miss USA who use to be a stripper, where did that end her up? Think about your future. Obviously you aren't going to be stripping all your life, obviously you will get a REAL job.. Do you want to jeopardize your future career for some easy money?

I certainly hope you said no, if not, good. You don't have to do this, why would you want to? There are a lot of other places that will pay you good money, and they don't require you to get your kit off. They will actually respect you, unlike being in the 'stripping world.'

You're a young girl I take it. A young, misguided, GIRL. Don't do this to yourself.. If you want to feel sexy, just go to a club and flirt, not this.. Please think about it for me, okay? :)|||take 2 shots of jack to ease your nerves for the first night. Wear clothes that are revealing but wont get in the way while dancing. Usually long heels are required. Don't put too much makeup on, less is more. Rub oil lightly on your thighs so if you dance with a pole you wont burn yourself. Wear underwear that is revealing a small but big enough to hold money in. Good Luck.|||ok you will be probably wearing tall heels. When you walk drag the toe of the shoe on the ground (it looks better then is sounds) so when you walk you never actually lift your feet. That's all I know.

wow look at all of these bitches... stripping can pay gib and is nothing to be ashamed of.|||its nice to see someone with no ambition in life....some girls decide to be doctors...some girls decide to be lawyers...but YOU want be brainless forever !!

idiot|||Im a male entertainer im in canada i do go full nude My advice keep it clean keep it fun be yourself and work what god gave you:)|||You're better off exiting that lifestyle if you can.|||Please, don't. You don't have to expose yourself to people to feel pretty.|||i see that place on the way to the mall...and idk mabye low cut shirt and push up bra?!

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